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Total Records: 14 - Group: OTHER / Category: RECIPES / Subcategory: SANDWICH RECIPES
Record Name
1Andi Patties MAN WITH A PLAN 2016 TV SeriesRecipesSandwich Recipes

Andi Patties
Andi's homemade patties. They could be made of cake. Or earwax.

2Banana Mustard Sandwich THE WEIRD AL SHOW 1997 TV SeriesRecipesSandwich Recipes

Banana Mustard Sandwich
Sandwich that Al's producer J. B. Toppersmith's nephew Huey mentions to Al.

3Charm-esan Sandwich BOB'S BURGERS 2011 Animated SeriesRecipesSandwich Recipes

Charm-esan Sandwich
Joke Bob makes when he and Linda are fake-flirting at the Aquaticism single mixer and Linda asks if a single fella like him is using his charm on her: I might be making a charm-esan sandwich, yeah.

4Chris' East-meets-west Patented Traeger ... PARKS AND RECREATION 2009 TV SeriesRecipesSandwich Recipes

Chris' East-meets-west Patented Traeger Turkey Burger
An Asian-fusion burger made with Willow Farms organic turkey, a toasted taleggio cheese crisp, papaya chutney, black truffle aioli, and microgreens on a gluten-free brioche bun.

5Greasy Pork Sandwich Served in a Dirty A... WEIRD SCIENCE 1985 FilmRecipesSandwich Recipes

Greasy Pork Sandwich Served in a Dirty Ashtray
Dish Chet suggests trying to make Gary puke. Based on something Chet actor Bill Paxton's father John Paxton used to say to him when Bill was hungover from a night of drinking.

6Grilled Crayon Sandwich THE SIMPSONS 1989 Animated SeriesRecipesSandwich Recipes

Grilled Crayon Sandwich
Sandwich that Ralph Wiggum makes for his father and wants to enter in the Ovenfresh Bakeoff contest. Ralph: "Can you taste the thumbtacks?"

7Jellybean and Pickle Sandwich THE WEIRD AL SHOW 1997 TV SeriesRecipesSandwich Recipes

Jellybean and Pickle Sandwich
Al's specialty, mentioned during the song that opens the show: Then he got himself a job on a tater tot farm, and he spent his life-savings on a split-level cave twenty miles below the surface of the Earth, and he really makes a might fine jelly bean and pickle sandwich, for what it's worth.

8McWalden TWO AND A HALF MEN 2003 TV SeriesRecipesSandwich Recipes

Walden makes a breakfast sandwich called the McWalden, which Kate calls the McBypass.

9MLT THE PRINCESS BRIDE 1987 FilmRecipesSandwich Recipes

Mutton, Lettuce and Tomato sandwich.

10Pork, Bacon and Ham Sandwich Dipped in H... BACK TO THE FUTURE: THE ANIMATED SERIES 1991 Animated SeriesRecipesSandwich Recipes

Pork, Bacon and Ham Sandwich Dipped in Hog Fat
Sandwich that Jennifer's ancestor makes for Marty in 1875.

11Ralphwich THE SIMPSONS 1989 Animated SeriesRecipesSandwich Recipes

Ralph makes a sandwich out of his hand at the Big Game tailgate party: "It tastes hurty."

12Skinner Burgers THE SIMPSONS 1989 Animated SeriesRecipesSandwich Recipes

Skinner Burgers
Patented burgers that Principal Skinner serves to Superintendent Chalmers, which Chalmers observes taste a lot like the ones they sell at Krusty Burger.

13Twinkie Wiener SandwichUHF 1989 FilmRecipesSandwich Recipes

Twinkie Wiener Sandwich
Sandwich that Al makes.

14Zucchini Weenie Panini BOB'S BURGERS 2011 Animated SeriesRecipesSandwich Recipes

Zucchini Weenie Panini
Sandwich that Linda mentions making for Bob when he gets back from the grocery store.

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